The winston-salem alliance is a non-profit corporation (501-c-6) organization created in 2000 as a result of a comprehensive review of the local economy by a group of private sector leaders. This review concluded that the winston-salem economy was experiencing very serious negative trends and without the intervention of the private sector, this downward spiral would accelerate.
Radically alter the cycle of intergenerational poverty in Winston Salem. This will involve ensuring that 80% of all children read on grade level in 3rd grade; ensuring that 65% of WS/FC residents age 25 to 50 have a two or four year degree; and addressing other issues such as food disparity and transportation.
Make Winston-Salem the best place in North Carolina to start and grow a business. Start 250 scalable companies in the next five years.
Lead the repurposing of the 1.7 million square feet of buildings located in the former Whitaker Park project.
Work collaboratively with the Piedmont Triad Partnership to allow our region to compete for large economic development projects.
Alfred G. Adams, Esq.
Cantey Alexander
Marie Arcuri
Spencer Baird
Graham Bennett
Stephen R. Berlin
Dr. David Branch
Mike Cashin
F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr.
Brian Cole
Jerry Cook
Stephen Doughton
Jimmy Flythe
Julie Ann Freischlag, MD
Jerry Greene, Jr.
Dr. Janet Spriggs
David Spross
Coleman Team
Edwin L. Welch, III
Dr. Susan R. Wente
JD Wilson
Ralph Womble
Pat Ivey-
Ex- Officio
Robert E. Leak, Jr. -
Jason Thiel-